3 Cases, 3 Insects, 3 Pops. (ENGLISH)

These are 3 Histories of 3 Cases of 3 Insects, they are all friends, and they all got a little... popped out in the end of everything, but, lets check out what happened with them, but before anything: Warning, this history has: -Water Inflations -Air Inflations -Blueberry Inflations -Growth -Popping -Insects The history can be considered Canon, afterall, it only has these characters, so without any delays, lets check out the 3 Cases that happened with them First Case - Beye the Bee Beye is an Bee, he is neutral with his friends, being like the sort of "leader" when they are all together, Beye is the most calm one, but very curious, and y'all already must have guessed what could possibly have happened in this case. It all starts when Beye was walking in an field normally, but then he saw something... weird on the ground, it was like the flowers he normally would encounter, but this one was rather different, it was very Blue, like a Blueberry, and because of his curiosity, he decided to eat the flower, it tasted rather delicious, and kinda relaxing of eating, but out of nowhere he felt weird, like something uncommon wasn't supposed to happen, his body had quickly started to turn into a dark blue tone, like a Blueberry, he felt a bit uneasy, till something blue got out of his mouth, tasting like... blueberry? And outta nowhere, his belly started to grow really quickly, and Beye was desperate and couldn't do anything already, he couldn't fly because of how heavy he was getting, he also couldn't run because he was getting slower and slower, to the point of not being able to walk, and because his body was getting so big that his members were sinking, making it impossible to grab anything or walk, his head was also starting to sink, and already only half of it was visible. His body grew more and more and he was stuck in place because of his body. And outta nowhere Beye started to float, he was very surprised and desperate, he didn't imagine this was gonna happen. He was floating a lot and he could see everything around and down him, and he was also starting to quickly see the sky, the Blueberry juice was starting to drool off his mouth, and his belly started to hurt... a lot. Beye was thinking about the worse that could happen, and the thought that he was going to burst was already his predictment of what was gonna happen. And so, after some minutes completely standing still... he quickly bursted. Lots of Blue liquids were leaking out of him, making all his pieces fly through the sky, slowly descending to the ground... This marks the end of the first case, which was Beye completely bursting because of the Blueberry Flower. Second Case - Raxana the Spider Raxana is a little bit shy and innocentish Spider, and also very happy in some moments. He likes popping himself and completely hides that fact from his friends, so what happened in this case must be already obvious now. Raxana was at his house, alone, when suddenly he decided to fill himself, although, he only does it till his own limit hits, BUT he decided that this time he was going to break his own limit, and burst himself in process, possibly it will be something really... really... satisfactory, right? He proceeds to grab some Helium he had hidden so nobody would ever suspect the existance of something like it. He proceeded to insert the Helium in his back, where he shoots his net, and then he opened the Helium lever, and then it started to fill, and then fill more, and then fill even more, as time passes, he was getting bigger and bigger, his face was reddish and the only thing he could say was "a-ah~". The place he was in was getting tighter, and almost no space was left for him. That was when he tried to get out of the place, because he was full of air, he was able to slowly float to his living room's ceiling. The rest of Raxana's body was starting to sink, his back was floating and somehow making an loudish noise, that some of his neightbours heard and suspected, they then went to check what was happening, when they were close, they saw Raxana's house's windows closed, and nobody had a single clue on what was happening inside the house. Everything got quiet, the neightbours didn't know what was happening, and then... for a minute... BOOM. An weird noise like an balloon burst was heard, the noise was so loud that all the houses around heard the noise, the neightbours went quickly to call the Police and the Ambulance to check exactly what happened. Raxana on other side, was very pleased for conquering its own wish of exploding its back, and he was down to the ground, with an comfortable feeling, but also happened to pass out. Its unknown what happened after. Third Case - Fornam the Ant Fornam is an really shy and red Ant, he is not shy in the "getting scared" part, but shy because of other things, like his likings for Inflation. He doesnt know what to do about it, but he gets really comfortable when he does Inflation. Well, for some reason he was feeling like growing his belly, and then, he decided to get an water tube to start filling his belly, but he couldn't find one, and after lots of searching, he found an long hallway, he then decided to enter it. The hallway had nothing, he imagined if it would have something like some people passing by or even trash in the ground, but no, it was 100% clean and with nobody around. While he was walking through the hallway, he found an really small hole, and, for some reason, he decided to check what it was, that was when something quickly reached his mouth, and it was an small tube that rapidly connected with his mouth, and water was exiting out of it, that made his belly grow really quickly, like the tube wanted an victim to "grow and blow", and the victim was Fornam. The pace of Fornam's belly's Growth started getting slower, and Fornam was even more red, but he was loving what was happening. He kept growing more and more, he noticed that the water was really clean, which indicates this is a really good water source, but he also noticed that he was at his limit. Fornam was sweating, and feeling like stopping it, but when he tried removing the tube, it was way too strong, like it was stuck and couldnt be unstuck, after that, he was unable to move his arms, but not because they were sinking, but because of what he was feeling, it was an really freezing feeling that paralized him, making him unable to move. After some minutes, he was being filled in with more and more water, his belly growing to the point where no more space was left, and then... in an matter of minutes... BOOM, his belly exploded. A giant stream of water was about to get out. Now... Imagine that time started to slow down, in such slowness the water became an mini tsunami, absorbing the pieces and the body of Fornam, Now imagine that the time is back to normal, the mini tsunami just went all out, and everything went to the hallway's exit, making the body be on the sidewalk, the water had stopped, and then someone that was passing by noticed an body on the sidewalk, called the Ambulance right away to save the body, and then the Case stops there. Its weird to imagine something like this would happen, and that Fornam was completely neutral about it, and he wasn't desperate, same with Raxana. And for now, the cases end here, and we will never know what happened nex- someone whispers to the creator's ear wait, what? hm.....Ah? There was an update about what happened? Really? Alright, both 3 got new cases after their tragedies, so, lets check what happened with them Beye Epilogue After bursting, nobody discovered his body, until the Blueberry juice started to gather his body (?), and all of its pieces, making him rapidly come back to normal, and after some seconds his color was going back to the original tone, and he woke up, confused on how his body came back, he feelt something, and then proceeded to spit the Blue flower he had eaten before, he felt something weird with it, and started questioning how he came back to normal after the burst, and also asked himself how he was not in an hospital. He then decided going somewhere and forget these things that happened with him Raxana Epilogue When the Ambulance and the Police had arrived, they invaded Raxana's house, and noticed that the entire living room was messed up and many parts of Raxana's back were around on; the walls, the objects, everything. So they decided getting all the pieces to recover Raxana and quickly know what happened to him. After some minutes, they already had an idea of what happened, and then they took Raxana's body and placed it in the hospital, and after some minutes, they were able to recover Raxana's back, thus reviving Raxana. Raxana woke up, he was confused and had no idea of what happened, thats when he noticed he was in the hospital. After some more minutes recovering of the burst itself, Raxana finally got out of the hospital, with someone that also had bursted before Fornam Epilogue The Ambulance had arrived, they went to check Fornam's body and, unlike Raxana, his pieces were almost all together. Fornam's body is taken to the Hospital, everything is put back in, and after some hours, he recovered himself, he woke up very surprised and asked himself where he was, thats when he noticed he was in the Hospital and that his body was back to normal, Fornam was satisfied but was also blushing a little bit of red, then after some minutes recovering more from the incident, he gets out, with someone, which was his friend Raxana, they both got surprised when they got out together, and a bit embarassed too, and, without knowing how to react, they decided to just say goodbye and get out of that place, without knowing what will happen in the future. And... thats the End, the 3 got well in the end and they all recovered themselves of what happened after they bursted themselves, they commented about it and even published in the internet about it. Fornam and Beye got to know what happened with Raxana, Raxana was really surprised because his secret was revealed, and got really red with the embarassment feeling, but even so, Beye and Fornam hugged him, and told him to not worry about it, and that he can tell them about it, because they would be friends eitherway. Raxana gets happy, and hugs them back -End Well, thats another history that i created, i hope you all like it! Eitherway, its been long since i haven't made an history, so yeah, i did another one. I also decided to make these characters (like Beye, Fornam, Raxana and even Rizz) only for the histories, but they wont be like the characters that i already have created (Like the ones with an Ref Sheet), they will be like... "secondary", or only for the histories, and will probably appear again, eitherway, thats all, and well, give your opinion about what you thought of the History!

Original By HenriquePQSim On FurAffinity, Translations By Cool Ant Studios. 1995-1998 HenriquePQSim And Cool Ant Studios.